

Dealing with a Sole Trader

Half Day Course

£165.00 excl. VAT

3.25PD hours

What is a sole trader? In this course we will consider the concept of sole trader as a business entity, the associated business management requirements, and the implications of insolvency on the trader.

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Administration Masterclass (Scotland)

Full Day Course

£310.00 excl. VAT

6PD hours

This course covers formal administration procedures and technical frameworks, best practices and procedures, and recent administration case law and its practical impact.

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Introduction to Corporate Recovery and Insolvency for Lenders

Full day course

£310.00 excl. VAT

6.25PD hours

This course examines the consequences of a formal insolvency appointment or restructuring process for the bank or lender, including the lender’s options, rights and decisions.

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Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 2016 in practice

Half Day Course

£165.00 excl. VAT

3.25PD hours

This course covers the practical application of the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 2016 and concentrates on aspects that are commonly used as well as some that are not.

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Challengeable Transactions in Scotland

Half Day Course

£165.00 excl. VAT

3.25PD hours

This course looks at the statutory framework for challenges, the evidential requirements, the likely defences, and some court decisions that set the precedent in this area.

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Complex Business Structures and the IP's Power to Investigate

Full Day Course

£310.00 excl. VAT

5PD hours

This course looks at the various types of business structure you could come across as an IP and provides you with the tools needed to investigate and maximise recovery.

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Death , Divorce and the Debtor

Half Day Course

£165.00 excl. VAT

3.25PD hours

This course looks at the effects of death and divorce on a Scottish debtor’s estate, pre and post appointment, and the implications for IPs and the stakeholders in the process.

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Heritable Property in Scottish Personal Insolvency

Full Day Course

£310.00 excl. VAT

5PD hours

This course covers the powers of the trustee, debtor and lender in relation to heritable property, the difficulties of dealing with it, and practical realisation strategies.

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Insolvency of a Scottish Charity

Half Day Course

£165.00 excl. VAT

3.25PD hours

This course looks at how an organisation’s structure dictates the type of insolvency procedure, the regulatory requirements and how to comply, and issues specific to charities.

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Insurance in Insolvency

Half Day Course

£165.00 excl. VAT

3.25PD hours

This course covers the types of insurance IPs require to put in place, the role of broker and insurer, getting the right cover, claiming, and dealing with uninsured losses.

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Liquidation Procedure & Practice (Scotland)

Full Day Course

£310.00 excl. VAT

6PD hours

This course examines the practical application of the Insolvency Rules in Scotland, and some of the consequences, intended or unintended, and challenges of implementation.

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Partnership Solutions: Sequestration, PTD and Business DAS

Half Day Course

£165.00 excl. VAT

3.25PD hours

This course looks at how to deal with a partnership that is insolvent, how Business DAS works in practice, what your role is in the process, and some of the issues arising.

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Pre-packs and SIP 16

Half Day Course

£165.00 excl. VAT

3.25PD hours

This course looks at why you might do a pre-packaged sale (a pre-pack) out of an insolvency, how best to structure one, and how to apply in practice the SIP 16 requirements.

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Trading in Insolvency

Full Day Course

£310.00 excl. VAT

5PD hours

This course covers IPs’ powers to trade a business, the legal impact of insolvency on trading businesses, skills and guidance for trading on, controlling risk, and selling.

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