Eileen Maclean

Eileen is a licensed insolvency practitioner with over 30 years’ experience of all aspects of personal and corporate insolvency. She is a founding director of Insolvency Support Services, an award-winning provider of a uniquely complete range of training, outsourcing, compliance and practice support services to the UK insolvency market.

Eileen is recognised for her thought leadership in the profession, and for spotting any opportunity that change presents. She specialises in complex issues and dispute resolution, where she combines detailed knowledge of the law with a pragmatic approach to get proven results. She excels in compliance and training.

Licensed by the IPA and a member of R3, Eileen represented Scotland on R3’s National Council for six years, is an active member of R3’s Scottish Technical Committee and represents Scotland on the IPA’s Standards, Ethics & Regulatory Liaison Committee. She also represents the IPA and/or R3 on the AiB’s PTD Standing Committee, Bankruptcy Stakeholder Group and the Policy and Cases Committee, and is a member of the Scottish Government’s Scottish Statutory Debt Solutions Forum. Eileen is also a member of the LexisNexis Restructuring and Insolvency panel of experts.




