Protective Awards in Insolvency - what they are and where do they rank

This webinar covers employee claims and protective awards, their circumstances, how they are calculated and applied, and how they rank in the process and why.


Employment law and insolvency law are uneasy bedfellows, and the notice periods demanded by employment law can be difficult to achieve in formal insolvency appointments.   A Protective Award is compensation awarded by an employment tribunal because an employer did not consult with the employees before they were made redundant. In what circumstances could a protective award be made against the insolvent employer and what are the ramifications for the case?

In this One Hour Series we focus on this particular area of employee claims.  We consider protective awards and the circumstances in which one may be made, how it is calculated and applied, and importantly from an insolvency perspective, where it ranks in the process and why.

Recorded 26 April 2024

CPD Learning Outcomes

  • What is a protective award
  • Circumstances in which an award may be made and why
  • Calculation of an award
  • Ranking of a protective award in insolvency
  • RPS and protective awards
  • How to avoid or minimise a protective award

Who Should Attend

Suitable for anyone looking for an immersive introduction to this particular aspect of employment law, or anyone looking for a refresher on the topic and current approach.


£55 + VAT per person.

50% reduction for every third one hour session you book.

Webinar fee includes electronic version of course documentation.

Team Booking Discount 

5-10 team members - £200 + VAT
11-25 team members - £375 + VAT
26-50 team members - £500 + VAT
50+ price on application

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